Friday, November 03, 2006

Lilies and poppies at Lytes Carey - Frederick


Is this going to be yet another display of ill-temper?

No, this is my normal cheerful self.

All right, then - go ahead.

Thank you. I just wanted to record some creative progress. In the kitchen I have at last perfected my recipe for Stuffed Baby Squid as a starter, which is full of seafood flavours, and has met with general approval. Details are available on request - I'm not secretive.

In the studio, I have just completed my first successful watercolour for some time, of lilies and poppies in the garden of Lytes Carey. A tricky subject, since I use only transparent colours, which excludes white pigment, and the lilies are pure white. I haven't even descended to the level of using masking fluid.

So you see that I am really an amiable soul - it's just other people I sometimes find unbearable. Don't you?

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